An Anxious Accountant’s Journey to the Top

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In 2004, Ted Gunther started a new job at a big accounting firm. He led the team overseeing transactions in newly deregulated electricity markets.

On his first day, he met the “Green Book,” a thick, complex book that sets standards for derivatives, hedging strategies and contract structures. “I still remember it vividly. […] I remember the partner at the time putting that book on my desk and asking me to go ahead and read this, and I just looked at it and I thought to myself, ‘Wow, that’s going to be a lot to read.’

Ted used the Green Book to become an expert in complicated energy markets.

But he wasn’t going to let anxiety hold him back. Ted got help, moved past it and became a partner at CohnReznick.

Today, he leads CohnReznick’s renewable energy industry practice and helps utilities and other energy companies execute all kinds of transactions, from long-term contracts to hedging strategies to tax structures.

In this special episode, we discuss how Ted is using the lessons from overcoming anxiety to help clients and colleagues grow.

CohnReznick serves a wide range of industries from tech to government to entertainment. It’s a leader in cutting-edge fields such as renewable energy and cannabis. To learn more about how people like Ted can help you work through some of the most complicated transactions in energy, visit CohnReznick.

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