Luisa Neubauer on Dreaming as a Tool for Change

Listen here. The societal state as a crisis of imagination? German climate activist Luisa Neubauer is one of the main organizers of Fridays for Future in Germany, an international student movement demanding political action against climate change. In this episode, Neubauer talks about her activism and the momentum of the movement, climate awareness in the U.S. and Germany, and dreaming as a tool for change. “On the one side, we have to accept the catastrophes that are going to unravel. But on …

John S. Adams on Donations as Threats for Democracies (Special Episode)

Listen here. In this special episode of our podcast, the award-winning investigative and political reporter John S. Adams talks about money, politics and its effect on democracy. While there was always “money in politics,” the practice of political donations has become a substantial threat to liberal democracies. “In the last several years, the flood gates have really opened,” states Adams in his conversation with hosts Tom Zoellner and Aida Baghernejad. What are the real motivations behind these donations and what …

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