A Special Court Keeping Native Americans Out of Jail

Listen here. Kirsten made her way out of jail and addiction with the help of a special court on the Penobscot Nation reservation in Maine. There, culture and justice work together to bypass traditional punitive measures for more restorative ones. Reporter Lisa Bartfai visits the Healing to Wellness Court to see how it all works.

Parenting from Prison

When one or both parents are in prison the whole family is, in a way, also imprisoned. Family members are negatively affected in ways that worsen existing struggles and inequities. Today we’ll go to New York and New Hampshire to hear about programs for inmates and families that encourage rebuilding and maintaining relationships — despite being separated by prison.

Indigenous Resistance

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll meet people challenging polluters in their own backyard. Not to push hazardous industries into another neighborhood. Instead they’re developing visionary solutions for a better life for all and for the future of the planet. From urban to rural communities, we’ll learn about indigenous-led efforts to protect public health and the environment for future generations.

SF Parent Leave

Title: Parents plan for paid family leave in San Francisco [ AUDIO / ARTICLE ] Rents and cost of living in the Bay Area are still on the rise, but San Francisco families will soon start seeing some relief: the city has a new family leave law that will come into effect in January of 2017. The law will guarantee parents six weeks off with full pay while they’re home with a new child. That’s a big departure from current …

New Kind of Battery

Harumi Fuji McClure and her husband live in a nice, two-story house in Morgan Hill south of San Jose. It gets pretty hot there in the summers, so they have a large swimming pool and air-conditioning in the whole house. But her electricity bill isn’t high: it’s negative five dollars a month.

SF’s bail system

Corrine Rankin is willing to work with people to make bonds affordable. That’s her way of guaranteeing “non-excessive bail.” When bail first originated it was thought of as progressive way to secure people’s release, but what the Constitution does not mention is how to pay for the bail bond. There are options and clients can negotiate down payments and how much collateral to put up. Bond agents can also offer interest-free monthly payment plans, but those can take years to pay off.

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